You just need to be active enough to utilize the internet as an aid to your studies. Similarly heart sounds can be made available through a simple Google search. Radiographs and gross specimens can be practiced by simply getting help from the world wide web and selected university department websites. Most of the cases can be fully understood easily by simply applying knowledge of basic sciences you just learnt. While attending wards may help you understand the methodology leading to diagnosis and management, you definitely do not need to wait till you acquire maximal clinical experience for Step1. Myth number 2: You need clinical exposure to fully understand Step1’s clinical vignettesĮxplanation: Remember US medical students don’t have any clinical exposure leading up to their Step1 exam. They typically appear for Step1 at the end of their 2nd year and Step2 at the end of their 4th year. Remember you are in direct competition with medical students of US.
Take my advice: rather than wasting your time during your medical studies, spend it swimming through Step1 recommended textbooks. It’s all about finding the right tempo to study for extended time and when you enter the profession, that is something quite troublesome. Basic sciences is something that troubles even the experienced doctors, let alone a mere young student. Furthermore what you have been studying all along during your medical studies is still fresh in your mind.
Why? It’s simple! You have a habit of studying for prolonged time periods and you haven’t yet stepped into your professional field. Let me reassure you that taking Step1 within your graduation would, 90% of times, result in a score that would be substantially higher than when having taken after your graduation. Let me put it in another way: Step1 would always remain a risk whenever it is taken, whether during or after graduation, whether with a preparation of 4 months or a preparation 14 months.
One of the biggest concerns surrounding our students is that Step 1 is a huge risk to be taken before graduation. Myth number 1:Do not appear for USMLE Step 1 within your graduationĮxplanation: This is so prevalent in Pakistan it’s almost pathetic. Let me introduce some myths surrounding USMLE Step 1 which are especially prevalent within Pakistan I am not too sure about India because I heard their students typically appear in their final years. Final year is the year before internship/ house job in Pakistan. I am a final year student at King Edward Medical University and I took my exam on June 10th. I am going to write a detailed composition regarding preparation for USMLE Step 1. Salam everyone, let me start in the name of Allah who’s the greatest benefactor of all mankind.