Some COMPUTER security requires a complete physical separation of workloads DMZ, some require only virtual separation. Now if that's enough, it's your security staff. Because of the way virtualization works it should be not to mention and the operating system is not between the two. This way VM is placed only on the demilitarized zone would only speak and other DMZ VM inside VM is placed on the virtual switch inside would only speak to those. If you like inside the network and a DMZ network then you can set up a separate virtual switch for each NETWORK card, that way you have separation virtual switch and physical NIC. It doesn't matter what you need a virtual switch in order to have something to connect to the VM too. I was under the impression that if dididn can't you have a virtual switch with a virtual DMZ then it would be a security risk. They want to get up some virtual machines in the DMZ.
It have a physical NIC card which is plugged in the demilitarized zone on the firewall and another NETWORK card inside network. Sure you can have an ESXi installation without creating a virtual switch OK? I have a scenario where they have 3 all current hosts to run ESXi 5.x. You could probably simplify this by getting the config spec VGA and change it before using it in the ReconfigureDVPorgroup_Task() method. $dvpg_spec-> = new BoolPolicy (value-online 1, inherited-0 online) My $dvpg_spec = new DVPortgroupConfigSpec() It is in DVPortgroupConfigSpec, but you will need to use the extended VMwareDVSPortSetting object. What is the way to update? I am bit confused about terminology Extends and extended by and how it relates to the other. I discovered that it is accessible via defaultPortConfig, stretching from VMwareDVSPortSetting where securityPolicy is a property of VMwareDVSPortSetting.
While creating a new instance of DVPortgroupConfigSpec, within the data spec config defaultPortConfig property object there is property of security policy and I couldn't find any other property pointing me to that I can update the security policy. I try to use the method ReconfigureDVPortgroup_Task() of the managed object DistributedVirtualPortGroup. $port_group_view-> config - > defaultPortConfig-> securityPolicy - > macChanges-> value $port_group_view-> config - > defaultPortConfig-> securityPolicy - > forgedTransmits-> value $port_group_view-> config - > defaultPortConfig-> securityPolicy - > allowPromiscuous-> value I can access the values of security policy by using the following: I am trying to write a Perl script that can modify the security policy of a group of distributed in a distributed virtual switch ports.
How to change the security policy of a group of distributed in a distributed virtual switch ports?